Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need to have a membership with either gym in order to workout?
No. Empowered Training is a separate entity from both World Gym Bay Shore and Royal Fitness of Levittown. The service is private from the regular club services and is available to both members and non-members.
Q: Can I do this program even if I never worked out in my life?
Yes you can. It does not matter if you have been working out for 2 months or 5 years, if you are driven to see results and put the work in your trainer/coach will be sure to cater each session to work around your physical fitness level and any limitation you may have.
Q: How long is each workout?
The length to each session will vary based on the service of your choosing. If you decide to go with personal or semi-private personal training, the sessions will vary from 30-45-60 minutes.
As for our small group training program, each session will always run for 45 minutes, which includes a 5 minute warm up so you don't have to worry about getting warmed up on a treadmill.
Q: What if I have questions during the session on how to do an exercise?
Before you start your first group training session, your coach will make sure that you are comfortable and confident by answering all your questions and concerns. Each session includes a demonstration, showing you how to do the exercise. The coach will be around during the entire session to help with coaching cues, form and support... giving you progressions and/or regressions if needed.
As for our personal training services, you may feel free to ask anything you'd like...we encourage it!
Q: What is small group training?
Small group training is the affordable and flexible way to get results. We work around your limitations, physical fitness level and availability. Each small group contains 6-12 people. Your coach programs each session with various exercises for a full body workout and accommodates all physical limitations. As you progress with every session, so do your exercises. All sessions are different and nothing gets repeated. Giving you excitement and something new to look forward to every time you step into the gym.
Q: What do I do if I feel like I’m failing?
Well for starters there is no such thing as “Failing”, everything is trial and error. If you are giving it 100%, meaning you feel exhausted and can’t imagine doing another rep, then you did an excellent job. So what you see as ‘failing’ is actually your best. All you need to do is believe in yourself, keep pushing and most importantly have patience. Asides from that, our job is to make sure that you feel 100% confident before executing any session.
Now if something else is going wrong and you still feel like you are failing, but you know you are giving it your 100%, then schedule a consultation with your trainer immediately. They will assist you with a solution.
Q: If I do any of the program 2-3 times a week, will I see results?
Yes! Most clients lose up to 6-7 pounds in their first 6 weeks. Besides working hard in the gym, you also have to be accountable outside of the gym. That's why we offer a 15-30 minute consultation. You will sit with your personal trainer and have an assessment done. Each assessment includes body measurements and body fat reading for tracking progression and of course the nutrition consultation, to understand you and your body to better help you both in and outside of the gym.